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Case Studies, Articles Armin Kakas Case Studies, Articles Armin Kakas

Solving Unproductive Inventory Challenge with Dynamic Markdown Pricing

Is the lack of robust clearance pricing strategy and manual pricing processes causing unnecessary and costly inventory buildup in your warehouses?

A leading $5B consumer durables wholesaler in North America wanted to unlock significant liquidity tied up in unproductive inventory by deploying in-house markdown optimization capabilities. Please read the below case study to understand how we helped them solve a $150MM unproductive inventory problem with dynamic clearance pricing.

This article is one in a series of five detailed case studies we will publish bi-weekly on key B2B Commercial Analytics topics. It gives insight into our outcome-based analytics process, including both technical and change management pieces.

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Articles Armin Kakas Articles Armin Kakas

7 Ways Companies Boost Operating Profits Through Revenue Growth Analytics

Modern companies collect substantial amounts of data. The data captured worldwide is expected to exceed 180 zettabytes by 2025, up from 64.2 zettabytes in 2020. This proliferation of data presents a massive opportunity for companies seeking to gain valuable insights into their customers and operations.

Yet, most businesses don't use data effectively, as up to 73% of all data goes unused. So, how can companies leverage the data they collect to boost profitability? In this article, we'll explore how businesses, particularly in the mid-market space, or those finding themselves "data rich, but insights poor," can gather and use data better and increase profit margins through advanced analytics.

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Articles Armin Kakas Articles Armin Kakas

Give the Gift of Revenue Growth Analytics Skills

Kickstart the New Year with a game-changing gift for your team!

Discover our specialized corporate training programs in Advanced Revenue Growth Analytics, designed to fill the practical skill gaps in Revenue Growth Analytics (RGA) that many companies face.

It's the perfect opportunity to empower your commercial and analytics/data science teams with hands-on, real-world skills that immediately impact your bottom line.

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Case Studies Armin Kakas Case Studies Armin Kakas

Solving Unproductive Inventory Challenge with Dynamic Markdown Pricing - Case Study

Learn how a leading North American consumer durables distributor improved liquidity and profitability with Revology Analytics' Markdown Price Optimization solution. Discover how the solution increased Gross Profit by 5% annually, enhanced inventory liquidity by 30%, and saved significant labor hours for pricing and sales teams. Explore the benefits of advanced inventory management for sustained growth and financial stability.

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Quick Insights Armin Kakas Quick Insights Armin Kakas

Unveiling Your Revenue Growth Analytics Maturity: Unlock Your Full Profit Potential

Discover the power of Revenue Growth Analytics with our newly launched Maturity Scorecard, designed to assess your organization's capabilities in Margin Analytics & Optimization, Sales & Customer Growth Analytics, and Promotion Effectiveness & Optimization.

Take the 3-minute assessment and gain access to tailored recommendations for improvement, as well as an extensive library of free Revenue Growth Analytics resources, including Tableau dashboards and price elasticity models in R and Python. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your Revenue Analytics capabilities and drive significant business impact.

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Articles Articles

The Unproductivity Problem with Your Inventory

Unproductive inventory often accounts for 20-30% of wholesale businesses' merchandise. For many, it's just the cost of doing business. But it doesn't have to be that way. Unproductive inventory ties up your cash, erodes your profitability, and puts you at the risk of not meeting debt obligations for your asset-backed loans. Automated markdown pricing is one of the most effective ways to address this problem, and simple analytical solutions (no "ML and AI) can often yield significant benefits. Learn more below how.

I welcome your comments or similar experiences.

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