Give the Gift of Revenue Growth Analytics Skills

As you prepare for the New Year, the holiday season offers the perfect opportunity for reflection and growth. In an environment where many companies find a gap in Revenue Growth Analytics (RGA) skills, Revology Analytics presents the perfect holiday gift for your commercial teams: specialized corporate training programs in Advanced Revenue Growth Analytics. These are not your usual academic exercises with toy data and hypothetical scenarios; they are pathways to mastering key areas of Revenue Growth Analytics in a hands-on, practical manner.

In-depth training Tailored for Real-World Application

We carefully designed our courses to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical, real-world application with industry data, use cases, and best-in-class machine learning approaches to solving critical commercial problems. Unlike conventional programs, our courses are focused on imparting pragmatic, actionable skills that you can apply at your companies the following week.

Highlighted Training Programs

  • Advanced Sales & Customer Analytics: This course goes beyond the basics, diving into customer segmentation, CLV predictions, churn and cross-sell modeling, lookalike and new audience modeling, Marketing Mix Modeling, Sales & Marketing Knowledge Graphs - all through real-world case studies, and interactive sessions in R and Python.

Advanced Sales & Customer Growth Analytics

  • Advanced Price Analytics: Participants explore dynamic pricing, promotional optimization, price elasticity modeling, price-value analyses, and evaluating industry profit pools - all while gaining hands-on experience in applying these concepts using best-in-class approaches. The labs are done primarily in Python, with some sessions in R.

Advanced Price Analytics

  • Custom Programs: We build a custom course for your company based on current team capabilities and industry data and in collaboration with you. This could be a mix of Marketing Analytics, Advanced Pricing Analytics & Strategy workshops, or it could focus entirely on Sales & Customer Growth Analytics. All of our labs are done using a combination of Python and R. 

Custom Program

Insights from our Revenue Growth Analytics Maturity Report Reveal Significant Capability Gaps

The insights from our 2023 Revenue Growth Analytics Maturity Scorecard provide a compelling case for our specialized training courses. This survey, encompassing responses from approximately 150 commercial leaders, uncovers critical trends and gaps across various industries, emphasizing the urgency and necessity for businesses to enhance their RGA capabilities.

Key Findings and Trends from the RGA Maturity Report:

  • Promotion Effectiveness & Optimization Challenges: The report reveals that over 50% of companies still grapple with effective promotion and optimization strategies. This is a crucial area of concern, especially for industries like Consumer Goods, which spend 15-25% of their Gross Revenues on promotions but scored an average of 3.3 in promotion analytics capabilities. Manufacturing, Med-Tech, and Distribution also lag in this capability, scoring well below average. These sectors represent significant opportunities for optimizing promotional and rebate spending to ensure more "pay-for-performance" results.

  • Neglected Price Elasticity Modeling: A staggering 35% of companies rarely evaluate price elasticity, a key component in understanding market dynamics and customer response. This gap is particularly pronounced in Manufacturing and Med-Tech sectors. 

  • Underutilized Customer Research and Competitive Analysis: Only 10% of companies rely on customer research and competitive analysis to understand the price-value trade-off, a fundamental aspect of effective pricing and promotional strategies.

  • Margin Pool Analysis Gap: Surprisingly, 61% of companies do not analyze and monitor the share of gross profits for essential products in their supply chain, indicating a significant oversight in understanding the distribution of profits among supply chain participants.

  • Low Confidence in Understanding Marketing ROI: Only 29% of CPG, 40% of Retail, 17% of Manufacturing, and 25% of Med-Tech companies can effectively quantify the impact of their marketing spend. Almost 70% of firms struggle with quantifying the sales and profit impact of their marketing investments down to the channel or sub-channel level. This leads to substantial wasted spending and opportunities for optimizing marketing investments.

The Revology Analytics Program Edge

Our programs are designed to empower your commercial teams with the latest methodologies and tools, turning industry and market data into actionable business insights and transformative strategies. The holiday season offers an ideal time for such an investment in your talent, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the coming year.

Our courses are aimed at Analyst to Director level team members in Finance, Pricing/Revenue Management, Marketing, and even adjacent functions like Merchandising or Supply Chain. 

The holiday season is a time for giving, and what better gift to your organization than the gift of advanced knowledge and skill that will differentiate you from the competition? 

To learn more, visit our corporate training programs and sign up while your training budgets last!

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