Why Price Realization Matters

Key findings from our inaugural Revenue Growth Analytics Maturity Scorecard.

A company's ability to consistently measure and manage its Net Price Realization is a crucial, yet often overlooked, element of a robust Profit Growth Strategy.

Price Realization - the difference between your List Price and Actual Price (after discounts, rebates, and other incentives/concessions) impacts your bottom line in a significant way.

Over 125 commercial leaders have taken our Revenue Growth Analytics Maturity Quiz, which measured maturity/competency scores across three major areas:

1) Margin Analytics & Optimization

2) Promotion Effectiveness & Optimization

3) Sales & Customer Growth Analytics

The first question in the "Margin Analytics & Optimization" section asked respondents:

How frequently is pricing performance (net price realization) measured and reported to company leaders?

Industries like CPG and Tech are leading the charge in monitoring Net Price Realization, with average scores of 3.5 and 3.2, respectively (out of 5). This suggests a more consistent (at least monthly) review process, enabling them to quickly adapt their pricing and discounting strategies across the Pricing, Finance, and Commercial teams.

On the other end of the spectrum, general Manufacturing and Med-Tech are sectors with lower reported scores, although leaders and laggards are certainly within each industry.

Worryingly, ~ 20% of companies rarely measure Price Realization (and another 12% only Quarterly), which could lead to substantial blind spots in understanding the effectiveness of their Pricing Strategies.

We cannot overemphasize this enough: monitoring your Price Realization at least monthly is paramount to managing your Revenue and Profits. It's also a Pricing 101-type capability - by not doing it actively, you leave money on the table, curtailing reinvestments into the business (i.e., for growth & innovation) and preventing you from reaching your Operating Profit goals.

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