Driving Sales & Margin Performance with Self-Serve Analytics

B2B Sales and Pricing Dashboard Example

Many middle-market companies are struggling to do action-oriented Commercial Analytics on a real-time basis. Understanding Sales, Pricing, and Margin performance vs. corporate objectives and strategies, along with proactively identifying and quantifying quick wins for improvement, is often a multi-day reactive, knee-jerk exercise. Pricing, Finance, and Commercial leaders are reticent to invest $MMs in turnkey price analytics solutions given high costs and long lead times – not to mention lack of flexibility and adoption issues that often yield a suboptimal return on investment.  

Fortunately, you can do most of the above quickly, effectively (and cheaply!) using popular self-serve BI solutions like Tableau or Power BI, open-source tools like R/Python (or a combination of BI + open source to incorporate predictive and prescriptive analytics).

Check out this example B2B Pricing Dashboard we built (in under 4 hours) on Tableau Public (B2B pricing bid data courtesy of Tableau).

Once you align with your stakeholders, a) on the business outcomes you want to drive, b) sketch out the analyses/visuals/insights you want users to engage with, and c) determine the suitable data sources and metrics to use, the rest is a piece of cake. I’ll be sure to post more examples shortly – in the meantime, feel free to play with it, download it, or add your suggestions.

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