
Our Pledge To Support Underprivileged Children

We’re passionate about helping our customers unlock their revenue and profit potential by leveraging revenue growth analytics. But also ingrained in our hearts is our devotion to supporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Two of our partners were war refugees as children, and now that we're able to give back, we wish to help as many kids as possible. We know firsthand how much of a difference even a little help makes to the lives of impoverished kids. 

That’s why we’ve partnered with Children International, a trusted charity that helps children in poverty and children impacted by wars globally. 

Join Revology in Sponsoring Children in Need

You, too, can join Revology and countless others who sponsor disadvantaged children through Children International. If we all join hands to support children in poverty, we can make a difference globally and hopefully end child poverty for good.

Children International uses 82% of donations to directly support children and youth programs aimed at ending generational poverty. Further, this charity is outcome-oriented and focuses on graduating healthy, educated, empowered, and employed adults who make a difference in another kid's life.

Rescuing even one child from the jaws of generational poverty is far more noble than any other professional milestone we can achieve. Let’s all come together and help eradicate child poverty.

Revology’s 5% Pledge

To help change more children's lives, we’ve dedicated 5% of our after-tax profits to Children International.

We are confident this reputable charity will use our donation to do more good and transform the lives of kids born into poverty in Africa, Asia, and North, South, and Central America.