Revology Analytics

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Business Deep Dive Framework for Consumer Goods companies

The 5-minute guide for building a dynamic, integrated, reproducible performance deep dive for CPGs using internal and external data.

Analytical fire drills and knee-jerk pricing actions are becoming increasingly common in the consumer goods industry. With intense competition and ever-changing customer needs, companies must be agile enough to rapidly adjust their pricing & promotional strategies to remain competitive and deliver relative value to their consumers.

Companies must make informed decisions quickly to stay competitive in today's data-driven world. However, many organizations are still relying on disjointed Excel sheets and complex PowerPoint decks as the primary way of delivering actionable insights. 

This outdated approach often results in unfocused and overwhelming analytics, leaving decision-makers with too much information without meaningful insight or value. As a result, analytics teams must find new ways to deliver actionable insights efficiently to drive value with a sense of urgency.

The above especially holds in the Consumer Products industry, where the amount of time spent arranging visuals, charts, and tables in pretty formats often take substantially longer than the actual analytics effort. 

This has been exacerbated by various syndicated data and market research providers, where 50+ page PowerPoint decks to answer 2-3 key questions are still the norm. 

All this is the antithesis of being analytically agile in organizations and encourages "storytelling and pontification" vs. "taking action and moving the needle."

By creating a reproducible, integrated performance deep dive, CPGs can identify specific areas of improvement to:

  1. Optimize promotion ROIs to drive incremental sales and profits.

  2. Identify whitespace distribution opportunities to grow volume.

  3. Improve channel profit pools (ensuring that channel partners are not margining up and eroding demand) to drive Operating Profit.

  4. Manage customer and product mix more intentionally to increase Net Revenues and Gross Profits.

Building these actioned analytics capabilities will help them stay ahead of the competition in today's market.

In the below quick guide (the link below will take you to a presentation), we'll explore the steps needed to build a reproducible and highly actionable performance deep dive that can help CPGs address Revenue performance shortfalls.

You can also download the presentation in PDF format if the player doesn’t work below.

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